From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

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Market effectively with Buffer

Market effectively with Buffer

- [Instructor] Another great option when it comes to social media management tools is using Buffer. So Buffer offers a lot of the same features that we've talked about with the other tools. You can manage all of your social networks in one place. You can schedule posts. You can review more detailed analytics, all of that sort of thing. But there are a couple things about Buffer that make it unique and set it apart. So first of all, I'm not sure if you're going to notice this or not. But if you just look around the website, you'll notice something that's a little different from some of the other websites, especially if you're looking at the images of the application itself, and that's its minimalistic user interface. So it's much more user friendly to get in and just start using Buffer. Especially when you talk about like say Hootsuite, which we'll talk about in the next video, that one can be very intimidating…
