From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

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Manage social posts with Hootsuite

Manage social posts with Hootsuite

From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

Manage social posts with Hootsuite

- [Narrator] When it comes to social media management the king that started it all is still a very viable option. Yes, I'm talking about Hootsuite. So here we are on the Hootsuite website. If you've been involved with social media management at all you've probably heard of Hootsuite. It's the first one that came about and it is still super powerful. So let's go ahead and let's take a look at some of the features of Hootsuite and then we'll take a look at the pricing. So, you know, this tool has all of the same features we've been talking about. You can publish and schedule your posts you can schedule them for the future. You can manage all of your networks in one place. You can integrate your networks you can view cross-platform reporting. Has a lot of analytics. It's just grown over the years. Like I said, it's the first one. I mean, Hootsuite, I remember when it came out. And it just was amazing that you could use…
