From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

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Improve your reach on Instagram with Kicksta

Improve your reach on Instagram with Kicksta

From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

Improve your reach on Instagram with Kicksta

- [Tutor] If you're looking to boost your growth on Instagram, Kicksta may be exactly the tool that you're looking for. Kicksta helps you find similar accounts to yours and then attract their followers to also follow your account. So here we are on the Kicksta website and it kind of tells you just that. So it helps you get more followers and I'll tell you how this works. This is better than buying followers. Well, yeah, you're kind of buying followers though because there isn't a free version anymore but it's not directly buying followers. So the way this works is it will automatically start interacting with Instagram accounts that are similar to yours, in hopes that their followers will see it. And then start taking a look at your Instagram account. So you can see we have the pricing down here, and unfortunately this used to be a free tool, it's now $69 a month, which is pretty expensive, but it's the best tool to use…
