From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

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Implement a Facebook Messenger bot with

Implement a Facebook Messenger bot with

From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

Implement a Facebook Messenger bot with

- [Instructor] Earlier in the course, we talked about marketing and engaging your users via social media messenger apps, like Facebook Messenger or Instagram Messenger. If you're getting a lot of messenger traffic and you're not finding all the features you need in those built-in solutions, then it may be a good idea to implement a third-party chat bot. And one of the best ones that you can use is called It used to be called MobileMonkey. It has since been rebranded. It wasn't bought out or anything like that. The founder is Larry Kim. He's still the CEO. He was also the founder of the WordStream blog, which is a very powerful SEO tool. If we scroll down a bit here, you'll see that it has the blessing of Neil Patel who is also an SEO genius. So, this tool is very powerful. But let's go ahead and let's jump in and kind of take a look at it a little bit. So, here I am logged into my…
