From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

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Explore the top features of Sprout Social

Explore the top features of Sprout Social

From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

Explore the top features of Sprout Social

- [Narrator] When talking about social media management tools, the list would not be complete without Sprout Social. It's been around for a really long time. Started as just a social media management tool and now, it has all of the CRM features that Zoho has and some of the other tools like Hootsuite have. But where Sprout Social really shines is in its analytics. So let's take a look. We'll go up here to the solutions dropdown and from here, you'll notice that they have different ways to view their product. By use case, business type. We can go ahead and we can choose use case. We'll just choose social management since that's the main reason we're here. And when we scroll down a little bit, there's a lot of information here on what their product has. And again, it's very similar. You know, you can schedule posts. You can post to all of your social networks from one place. You can respond to messages. You can upload…
