From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

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Easily schedule posts with Later

Easily schedule posts with Later

From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

Easily schedule posts with Later

- [Instructor] When it comes to scheduling social posts for the future, one of the best tools you can use is Later. Here at you can see "social media management made easy." Now, this tool actually used to just be for scheduling posts on Instagram. That was all it did. However, following the trend of Hootsuite and Sprout Social, they have grown a lot, and if you go up to the product dropdown, you can see you can now schedule posts for Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter. In addition to scheduling posts, they have a bunch of other features as well. So there's a chance that in the future Later could be included up with the big boys, Hootsuite, Sprout Social, Buffer, and Zoho. However, they're not quite there yet. Their specialty is still scheduling posts for the future, but do notice that they feature advanced analytics, hashtag suggestions, all sorts of things that go beyond just…
