From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

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Discover effective content with Google Trends and BuzzSumo

Discover effective content with Google Trends and BuzzSumo

From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

Discover effective content with Google Trends and BuzzSumo

- Earlier in the course, we talked about using Feedly to curate content and even to discover some content. If you already knew the website that you wanted to look at you could enter it into the RSS reader and you could see all of their content. But where do you go if you don't even know which website you want to look at, and you need to actually find sources for curated content. Well, I have two solutions for you, depending on your situation that I think you'll find very helpful. The first one is BuzzSumo. And you can see I'm here on their website. And BuzzSumo is a tool that is used to discover trending topics, influencers, and just really what's buzzing in social media. So you can see what the user interface kind of looks like here a little bit. You can find keywords. So they're trying to kind of get into the search engine optimization realm a little more. They've focused primarily on social before instead of SEO. But…
