From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

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Curate content with Feedly

Curate content with Feedly

- [Narrator] Content curation is a big part of using social media nowadays. It's a pretty big turnoff when you go to someone's Twitter or Facebook feed and it's filled only with self-promoting links to their blog or website. A great way to get around this is to curate content from other sources to share with your followers to create a little more trust and authenticity. This can get time consuming, however, and that is where Feedly comes into play. As we can see from their homepage, Feedly provides a great way to keep up with topics and trends without being overwhelmed. Let's take a look. Okay, so here I am inside of Feedly. And there are two primary ways we can use Feedly. We can subscribe to the RSS feeds from our favorite sources to see their latest updates. And additionally, we can use Feedly boards to handpick content that can later be shared with our followers. So to get started, let's create a folder to…
