From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

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Create images and videos with Canva

Create images and videos with Canva

From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

Create images and videos with Canva

- [Instructor] When it comes to social media images are oftentimes more powerful than words. Of course, you can just upload an image and post it, but if you're looking for a free and easy way to get creative with your images and videos, Canva is the tool for you. It's much easier to use than traditional photo editing platforms, like Photoshop, and the possibilities are nearly endless. You can use Canva to create YouTube thumbnails, Instagram promotions, portfolio highlights, almost any type of digital media graphic. Let's take a look inside and see how it works. Okay, so here I am inside of Canva, and as you can see we have a lot of options right here from the get go. So up here at the top, we have these different categories of graphics that we could create. And we have this one called social media so that's perfect for us. And right from here we have templates that are sized correctly for the platform that we're looking…
