From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

Build custom ad audiences with Meta Business Suite

From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

Build custom ad audiences with Meta Business Suite

- [Instructor] One of the most powerful built-in tools for social media success is Meta Business Suite. This tool allows marketers to advertise on both Facebook and Instagram. One feature with the Business Suite that is especially powerful is the ability to build custom ad audiences. With custom audiences, you can target users from an already established email list, a CRM database, or users that already follow your page. This is a great way to do remarketing campaigns on Facebook. To find out the specifics of creating and using a custom list, you can take a look here in the Meta Business Help Center, just search for Custom Audiences, and a whole bunch of articles will come up that will help you fine tune your list for Facebook and Instagram. But let's go ahead and let's take a look at a quick example. So I've downloaded an example customer list from Facebook, this is what it looks like, and I have it saved to my desktop. So we can see that we have some identifying information in here, such as email addresses and phone numbers. This will help Facebook match the user on our list with that user's Facebook profile. So let's take a look at how we can upload this list as a custom audience to use during a Facebook advertising campaign. Okay, so I've moved over into Meta Business Suite at, I'm sure that will change to Meta at some point, but right now, it's still at, and what we're going to do is, on the left side of the screen here, we're going to click on the All tools section, and then from here, we're going to scroll down to the Advertise area, and from in here, we're going to click on Audiences. Now you'll notice from here, we have this little dropdown up here at the top-left where we can click, it says Create audience, and you'll notice that we can upload a Custom Audience. This is also where we could create a lookalike audience. So we could upload our custom audience like we're about to do, and then we could create a lookalike audience that takes that custom audience and tries to find similar users. That's just another great feature here in Meta Ads Manager, but we want to upload a Custom Audience, so we'll go ahead and we'll click on Custom Audience, and it asks us for some information about our audience. So first of all, what is our source? Notice that we have some different options, but ours is just a list, so we'll choose Customer list, and notice that we could use one of Facebook sources as well, but we want to upload our entire customer list, so we'll just hit Next. So now we're brought to a screen where we can prepare our customer list. And I know this can seem a little bit overwhelming, but it's actually pretty easy if you just follow it straight through. So first of all, we need to include at least one main identifier from our customer list. Well, we have email addresses for everybody in our custom list, we have phone numbers as well, so we have that in there. We don't need to select anything here, this is just asking us to make sure that we have these identifiers, because this is how Facebook's going to try and match up that customer with a Facebook profile. Okay, so we can just go ahead and read through this and then hit Next. Now, do we have a value for our customer? In other words, you know, some customers might be more valuable than others and we can use a whole bunch of analytics and metrics to try and assign a value to a customer. Our list doesn't have a value right now, so we'll just click on No. So now we can just go ahead and we can upload our file, so we'll click Upload File. Notice I have it here on my desktop, so I'll just select it and click Open. And then we can go ahead and we can give it a name, so we can just call this like, Custom Audience 1, and then we'll go ahead and click Next. You'll notice that it says that they've matched a bunch of columns from our list, so it just wants to make sure that, you know, are these email addresses? Yes, they are. Are these phone numbers? Yes, they are. So it's just making sure that it's getting the right information based on how we've added it to the list. So Mobile Advertiser ID, that is correct. Obviously, this is all correct, because this is an example from Facebook, but you can see if this was incorrect, you could click the dropdown and you could select, hey, this isn't a zip code, this is a phone number. So that's just making sure that everything's correct so you can scroll through that and click Import and Create. You'll notice that it says your uploads in progress and now it has been hashed and uploaded. And from here, we could create a lookalike audience, as I mentioned, right away, based on this customer list that we just uploaded. We could create an ad right away, as well. And I'm not going to go through all of the steps for that. You can take a look here on this website in the course library, there are definitely some courses geared specifically for using Meta Ad Manager, but this is just one little tip on how you can create a custom audience and do some remarketing campaigns. This is a great example of how you can use a built-in tool. We didn't have to pay extra to be able to create these Custom Audience lists, they're built right into Meta Ads Manager, so it's just taking advantage of a free tool that we're already going to be using as a social media marketer.
