From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

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Automate evergreen social posts with MeetEdgar

Automate evergreen social posts with MeetEdgar

From the course: Marketing Tools: Social Media

Automate evergreen social posts with MeetEdgar

- [Instructor] As someone who loves evergreen content, the MeetEdgar tool provides a unique capability of resharing content while avoiding the fatigue that can come with sharing the same posts over and over again. Evergreen content, as I'm sure many of you know, is content that rarely becomes outdated and can stand the test of time. It's valuable because it can truly be used as a passive source of income or just as a way to continuously engage users without having to create new content all the time. Not all evergreen content lasts forever, but I tend to consider content that stays relevant for three to five years or more as evergreen. That's where MeetEdgar comes into play. You see, it has a lot of the same features as some of these other tools that we've talked about like Hootsuite, and the ability to schedule posts, but it also does some things really unique. So let's click on this how Edgar works link and we'll be able…
