From the course: Marketing Tools: How to Leverage AI Tools to Transform Your Marketing

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Understanding AI marketing tools

Understanding AI marketing tools

- [Instructor] Doesn't it seem wild that large language model AIs like ChatGPT have just emerged onto the scene, yet the internet is flooded with countless AI tools promising next level solutions? I mean, I've been covering the online marketing tools landscape for over a decade, and in just a few years, it seems that the number of tools available has shot up exponentially. The truth is, is that there are really only a few actual AI tools that are being widely used across all industries. Specifically I'm talking about ChatGPT by OpenAI and Gemini by Google. There are others, but they're not as powerful, and currently have low adoption rates. Throughout this course, I'm going to show a number of different AI marketing tools, but it's important for you to know that all of them are built on top of mostly ChatGPT and occasionally Gemini. For example, when we look at using UXPressia to create personas, we'll be on the UXPressia website and we'll be using a template with very little input of…
