From the course: Marketing Attribution and Mix Modeling

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Before and after an event: Trend analysis

Before and after an event: Trend analysis

From the course: Marketing Attribution and Mix Modeling

Before and after an event: Trend analysis

- [Instructor] How do you tell if an event or action effected sales? Often the best method is the simplest. Just look at sales before and after to see if there's a spike or a dip. Let's look at an example of how to do this. We're looking at marketing data from an ice cream store, and we can see that they ran a newspaper ad in weeks 24 to 35. They want to know if that impacted revenue and we can use the before and after analysis to find out. So first let's just copy the data that we care about, which is the columns week, revenue, and newspaper ads. And if I just press control shift down or command shift down, it's going to select everything. I'm going to go control C and then control V to paste. So now we have just the data we care about, which is the week, revenue, and newspaper ads. Now we can see that they ran the ad for 12 weeks total. So there's 12 cells there. We want to find a comparable period previous as well.…
