From the course: Managing Your Finances Through a Career Transition or Layoff

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Preparing your financial first-aid kit

Preparing your financial first-aid kit

- A couple months before the pandemic, my parents went to the neighborhood park as they normally do to visit with their friends and get their steps in when my dad suddenly fell on the sidewalk, hit his head, and triggered his Apple Watch to call the paramedics. In a moment, everything went from being okay to not being okay. He was rushed to the hospital and soon to brain surgery. My mom panicked and the hospital began asking for all my dad's important documents, his medical records, his insurance info, and quickly his estate planning and healthcare directives. This inspired me to put together a financial first aid kit. Something that you can build yourself in just a weekend and have in place for when you'll need it. This is a place you go to to get all your financial information in one place organized and ready to go. Your career transition is a great time to put this together. To help you get started with your first aid kit,…
