From the course: Managing Your Emotions at Work

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Your body and emotions

Your body and emotions

- Have you ever gotten to the end of your day and realized that you're starving? How could you missed that, right? Your body is sending messages to your brain all the time. In fact, 80% of the information exchanged between body and brain goes from your body to your brain. And only 20% goes from your brain to your body. Your body, then, can influence your mind's ability to manage emotions and understanding how gives you a leg up in regulating yourself when you experience emotions. Let me explain. There are different kinds of self-awareness, two of which are conceptual self-awareness and embodied self-awareness. Conceptual self-awareness is you thinking about yourself. It's the narrative you tell yourself about your experiences, and it's based in language, in abstract thought, and it's made up of facts and details. An example of conceptual self-awareness is that you say good morning to a coworker, and she doesn't even look…
