From the course: Managing Your Emotions at Work

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Should you share your emotions?

Should you share your emotions?

- A couple of years ago, I was slated to give a series of big presentations just days after a family tragedy that had left me grieving. At each one, I got on stage and I welcomed everyone. And I said, "I'm really happy to be here with you and I want you to know I'm grieving a loss, and I'm telling you because I know that I'm wearing my grief as a tenderness, that I'm sure you can see, and I might even tear up at times for no apparent reason. I don't need anything from you, I just didn't want it to be distracting, and then I went on with my presentation. Years later, I still receive comments from people who were there on those days. Not of concern for how I was doing, but of gratitude for being transparent in a way that didn't feel sticky. And that let them in on what was true for me so that we could stay connected through our time together. It was a real learning moment for me, around how to appropriately share emotions…
