From the course: Managing Your Emotions at Work

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Meditation: Manage your emotions with grounding

Meditation: Manage your emotions with grounding

From the course: Managing Your Emotions at Work

Meditation: Manage your emotions with grounding

- Remember how a felt resource is something that allows you to have an experience of something pleasant or neutral so that your nervous system can be more regulated and you can feel more resourced? Well, grounding is also considered a felt resource. It's meant to give you an experience of feeling physically supported. Let's see how it is for you when you give it a try. If this is totally new to you or feels weird, I get it, you don't have to buy in, but I would ask that you give it a shot and see how it is for you. If you're sitting, place both your feet on the ground. Whether you're sitting or standing, bring your attention to the place where your feet touch the ground. You might notice that you look down at your feet, which is okay, but this is less about seeing your feet and more about sensing how it is that they rest on the ground. So you might wiggle your toes in your shoes then or shift your weight a bit if you're standing…
