From the course: Managing Your Emotions at Work

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Meditation: Manage your emotions with centering

Meditation: Manage your emotions with centering

From the course: Managing Your Emotions at Work

Meditation: Manage your emotions with centering

- Remember the story of Peter Pan, and how his shadow would take on a life of its own and run all over the room? Peter Pan would reach up and try to grab a shadow by the ankle and yank it back to him. That's the image I think of when I think of the felt resource of centering. When things get crazy at work, it can feel like your energy is going all over the place like Peter Pan's shadow, or when you get emotional, it can feel like your attention goes to the people and the circumstances around you to try to control external situations. Practicing centering then is kind of like reaching out to pull yourself back to yourself so that you can be 100% with yourself. Let's try out a practice then that's designed to create the experience of being centered. I highly recommend practicing with your eyes open because most of the moments that you'll need centering in aren't typically moments when you can close your eyes, right? To…
