From the course: Managing Your Emotions at Work

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Embrace your emotions

Embrace your emotions

- Though you now have information and practices that can help you manage your emotions in an effective way, please be patient with yourself. Don't expect that overnight you'll be able to manage your emotions, especially the bigger or more difficult ones. But what you can do overnight is commit to putting this information in these practices into play. Commit to trying to stay with yourself when your emotions get uncomfortable. Commit to deepening the groove of emotional intelligence and resilience in your brain, and your body, and your nervous system. I encourage you to keep returning to these videos for ongoing support, especially the meditations in chapter four. Also feel free to reach out to me through the Q and A, and share your experience or ask me questions. I'll leave you with one last thought. You know, all this talk about practice and regulating and emotional intelligence, at the end of the day, it's really…
