From the course: Managing Your Emotions at Work

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Dealing with other people's emotions

Dealing with other people's emotions

From the course: Managing Your Emotions at Work

Dealing with other people's emotions

- We've all worked with a toxic person, the grump who brings you down, or the short-tempered person who lashes out, or someone who is emotionally all over the place, and you never know what you're going to get. Working with other people's emotions can affect your ability to be effective at your job as much as trying to manage your own emotions can be. And I wish I could tell you that you could get your coworkers to manage their temper or to make their anxiety or their fear go away. Believe me, I really do. But, sadly, you can't. So what do you have control over when it comes to dealing with other people's emotions? Well, you have control over your responses, at least in theory. I'd like you to try to imagine two scenarios. In each one, track what happens in your body as you think about it happening. Notice, what do you feel, and what would your impulse be? Okay, first scenario, a coworker briskly walks up to you with a…
