From the course: Managing Your Emotions at Work

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Avoid resisting your emotions

Avoid resisting your emotions

- The other day I was working with a client and she was sharing with me about how she had felt pretty shut down after a one-on-one meeting she'd had with her boss a few days before that hadn't gone the way she hoped it would. I asked her what sensation she felt in her body while she told me about it, and she said none, she just felt numb. I explained to her how, when we feel numb or shut down, it's usually because we're trying to resist feeling something that's underneath the surface, something that we think if we feel it, it will be unpleasant or it'll take over. If we can be numb, we think, then we won't have to feel the thing that we don't want to feel. The challenge with that though, is all of our senses get dulled. We're not as alert or sharp or decisive. Maybe you've experienced this before when working with someone who seems shut down. It's hard to connect, right? So I shared with my client that the best way…
