From the course: Managing Your Emotions at Work

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Acknowledge your emotions

Acknowledge your emotions

- When I was in my twenties, I was in group supervision for my coaching practice. And at the beginning of one of the sessions, my supervisor asked me, "how are you doing?" And I answered, "I'm sad." And she looked at me and she said, "you know, I'm going to come back to you in a little bit. Let you think about that." I was totally taken aback, who was she to suggest that she knew better than me, how I felt, but I calm down and I closed my eyes and I checked in with my body and I could feel that my throat was tight and my jaw was gripped. And I realized those sensations aren't, I'm sad. Those sensations are I'm angry. But instead of genuinely checking in with myself, when she asked me how I was, I responded with what I thought was the more acceptable answer. I bring this up because you probably say or hear the words, how are you a dozen times a day. And most of us usually offer a default answer. Some variation of…
