From the course: Managing Up

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Work with a younger boss

Work with a younger boss

From the course: Managing Up

Work with a younger boss

- Is it me or are managers getting younger these days? Let's face it, if you remain in the workforce, most likely you'll eventually find yourself working for a younger boss. In fact, many of you are already working for someone who is younger than you. How well you manage this situation will have a direct impact on your level of job satisfaction as well as your ability to succeed in the organization. Let me give you some tips on how to successfully navigate this new world of work. First, give your boss a chance. Did you know that some of the most popular children's authors, people like Louisa May Alcott and Dr. Seuss never had children. That's right and their lack of experience didn't interfere with their success. Just because your boss doesn't have tons of management experience doesn't mean they won't go down in history as one of the best bosses you've ever had. Good leadership is good leadership regardless of age. So reserve judgment until you've given your boss a chance to show what…
