From the course: Managing Up

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Why mastering office politics is vital

Why mastering office politics is vital

From the course: Managing Up

Why mastering office politics is vital

- Have you ever noticed how the people who get promoted in your organization, aren't necessarily those who're the most qualified? Yet, low and behold, they get the promotion and receive all the benefits that come with their new title, while the person who should've gotten promoted, is left behind. Nine out of 10 times, this happens because of office politics. Let's make sure you're not the one who is overlooked. I recently met a woman named Mary. She was a mid level manager with great reviews. But at promotion time, her coworker, who hadn't been there as long and wasn't as qualified, moved right past Mary, and is now her supervisor. What happened? While Mary had her head down, doing her job, her coworker was playing the political game. She was meeting with the senior leaders and was volunteering to work on their key projects. She also made it a point to occasionally have lunch with the department manager, so the manager could get to know her better. Those efforts paid off. If Mary…
