From the course: Managing Up

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Step into the strategic bragging arena

Step into the strategic bragging arena

From the course: Managing Up

Step into the strategic bragging arena

- I want to tell you a story about a lovely, charming, bright woman lost in a sea of cubicles. Let's call her Jennifer. Jennifer is an MIT graduate who landed a job in one of the hottest companies in America. She's doing great work and wants to move up, but she's not getting noticed and not getting the assignments she really wants. Sadly, Jennifer is on the fast track to career burn out, but her story could have a happy ending with a little bit of strategic bragging. Strategic bragging is an honest self promotion strategy. It's not boasting. It's when you let people know what's so great about you, and doing so at the right time. I had an opportunity to meet with Jennifer and her boss. Jennifer was uncomfortable with the idea of self promotion until her boss said, "Do you know how many times your counterparts "come into my office and tell me "they're ready to be promoted?" Your boss is a busy person. You may be doing good work, but you need to help them see that you're more than just…
