From the course: Managing Up

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Put your younger boss at ease

Put your younger boss at ease

From the course: Managing Up

Put your younger boss at ease

- Being a leader can be challenging, even when you have tons of experience. Now, imagine stepping into this role at a time in your life when you don't have much business or life experience. It can be downright frightening. Let's talk about a few things you can do to help your younger manager work through some of their fears. The job of any employee is to make sure their boss succeeds regardless of his or her age. You can help relieve some of your boss' discomfort and put him at ease by making sure he does not see you as a threat. Be clear about your goals. If you don't want your boss' job, tell him so. This noble move will set the stage for your relationship to develop positively. Now, if you do want to advance to his position, the quickest way to do that is to help him get promoted. Make it clear to your boss that your goal is to help him succeed and then do everything you can to ensure that happens. It's a win for both of you. Always have your manager's back. There will be people…
