From the course: Managing Up

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Manage your boss

Manage your boss

- I recently received an email from a newly promoted supervisor, who was smart enough to recognize that he needed help. He said that he didn't know where he stood with his manager, and that he felt like he was losing the manager's support. As a result, he was working 60 to 70 hours a week to compensate. It may seem unnatural to manage the person who's managing you, but that's exactly what you need to do to succeed in any role. Here are some things to consider when managing your boss. Your boss is not a mind reader. You may think your manager knows what you're feeling or thinking, but I can assure you, they don't. You need to tell them. And while it may be hard for you, your boss will appreciate it when you share what's on your mind, as long as you do so, in a respectful and constructive way. Here's what I mean. You may be anxious because you have no idea where you stand with your boss. Rather than telling your boss that her management style is stressing you out, tell her you do your…
