From the course: Managing Up

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Ensure your next play is the right move

Ensure your next play is the right move

From the course: Managing Up

Ensure your next play is the right move

- I thought all workplaces were the same when it comes to office politics, boy was I wrong. My first real job was with a commercial real estate firm where I learned to swim with piranhas. Back stabbing was part of the corporate culture and I barely got out of there with my skin on. I figured, it couldn't possibly get worse, wrong again. My next company was even more political. So much depends on the corporate culture. What's acceptable behavior in one organization may be completely unacceptable in another. For example, in one organization, it may be perfectly acceptable to go straight to the top when you need something, whereas in another, everyone is expected to follow the chain of command. Let me give you a little bit of guidance so you'll be able to quickly assess your environment and ensure your next play is the right move. Think of office politics as strategic, like a game of chess. Once you make your move, you can't go back and say, just kidding. You've taken your stand. That's…
