From the course: Managing Up

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Deal with office politics

Deal with office politics

From the course: Managing Up

Deal with office politics

- In my first executive job, I got taken out by a wave I never saw coming. Office politics. I had no idea there were so many unwritten rules at work, nor did I understand how office politics works. Since then, I have become an expert on office politics and now successfully coach clients through sticky political situations. So let me give you some tips to deal with office politics like a pro. Office politics is a game that is played in every organization, non-profit, government agency, private company, or family owned businesses. There is always a round of politics being played somewhere. So it's important to understand that politics isn't just about manipulation. It's about using power effectively. When I talk about power, I'm talking about the ability to get things done through other people. People who wield power effectively follow unwritten rules that allow them to swiftly maneuver through the organization to obtain resources, approval of prized projects, and promotions. As a…
