From the course: Managing Up

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Build a strong relationship—quickly!

Build a strong relationship—quickly!

From the course: Managing Up

Build a strong relationship—quickly!

- I'll never forget the day I arrived at work and found my boss had been fired the night before. I quickly realized that it no longer mattered that she and I had a great relationship, I had to go into relationship building mode with my new boss. My new boss didn't know anything about me and he wasn't that interested in getting to know me. My gut told me I had a small window to convince him that I was worthy of his time, and my former boss's job. And I was right, he had already begun thinking about how to staff her position. Given how rapidly people are changing jobs these days, the quicker you can build relationships, the better position you'll be in to maximize your time with those above you and around you. I'd like to share some tips to help you make those vital connections quickly. Begin by demonstrating confidence. That old saying, fake it 'til you make it rings true when positioning yourself as a peer with those that are senior to you. Successful people want to be around other…
