From the course: Managing Up

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Be an employee, rather than a parent

Be an employee, rather than a parent

From the course: Managing Up

Be an employee, rather than a parent

- When I was a 24 year old manager, I had a few employees who were old enough to be my parents. One in particular used to wag her finger at me whenever she was disappointed in something I said or did. This really damaged our relationship. At some point in your career, you may find yourself working for someone who is young enough to be your child. How well you manage this situation will have a direct impact on your level of job satisfaction, as well as your ability to succeed in the organization. So, it's worth taking the time to learn how to manage these relationships. Does that make you a little nervous? Trust me, your boss is just as nervous. You can help set the tone for your relationship by asking for advice. Who doesn't love being asked for their opinion? This will also make it clear that you understand who is in charge, and look for ways to help put your boss at ease. One of the things that I remember from my days as a younger boss is the feeling that one of my older works was…
