From the course: Managing Up

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Avoid relationship mistakes

Avoid relationship mistakes

From the course: Managing Up

Avoid relationship mistakes

- Have you ever noticed how many relationships start off easy and as time goes by, tensions rise? Let me tell you why many relationships with bosses go off the rails and what you can do to bring them back on track. First, your boss is not your friend, don't mistake them for one. I have a friend named Shannon, she's an advertising executive and looks quite young for her age. I remember the time she told me about one of her employees who was a recent graduate. He kept treating Shannon like she was his frat brother, which didn't go over very well with her. One day, he came into her office and said, "hey, what should I call you?" To which Shannon replied, "how about you call me boss?" Shannon's response should tell you something. Just because a boss looks young enough to be your friend doesn't mean you should treat them like your friend. And don't even think about sending your boss a Facebook request. Maintain boundaries with your boss and give them the respect they deserve. And don't go…
