From the course: Managing Up

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Acquire power in the workplace

Acquire power in the workplace

From the course: Managing Up

Acquire power in the workplace

- It wasn't until I took a graduate course in power in politics that I realized that I was sitting smack dab in the middle of a highly political organization where power was the name of the game. It's too bad I didn't take that course in the beginning of my time there. I would've operated very differently, and most likely could've avoided battles that I was never prepared for. Power comes in different forms and leaders need to learn how to handle each type. For our purposes, I'm going to focus on two. The first is position power. This is the power you get by way of your title, kind of like the power you get when you are finally the parent and you get to say, because I said so. That is, until your kids become teenagers. Here's how this scenario would play out in a typical business situation. Say you are a director, you have more influence and control in the organization than someone who is a supervisor. With this comes a certain level of authority. So, for example, if you ask a line…
