From the course: Managing Teams

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Strategy for managers

Strategy for managers

- A common misstep of managers is not making enough time for strategic planning. Chances are the leaders of your organization have developed a strategic plan for the broader organization. It probably includes things like a vision, mission and specific targets or goals your organization hopes to reach. But have you been thinking strategically about the work that fits within your sphere of influence? Strategy is about working on your business, not in your business. Rather than focusing on the day-to-day work, can you take a step back and view it from a much higher level? In this video, I'll share a framework and some tools you can use to think strategically about your work. The framework was developed by Greg Fisher and colleagues and is discussed in their book "Strategy in 3D," which is about empowering everyone in the organization to diagnose, decide and deliver in a constantly changing environment. Let's start with…
