From the course: Managing Teams

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Prioritize wellness on your team

Prioritize wellness on your team

From the course: Managing Teams

Prioritize wellness on your team

- Wellness isn't a buzzword or something that's nice to have. It's an absolute necessity. As a manager, it's not only strategically in your best interest to be concerned about your team's wellbeing, but it's also your responsibility. You have been entrusted with a team of people whose lives you can positively impact. This means you have to look at each employee as an individual with unique needs. One of the most important ways you can prioritize wellness on your team is to promote work-life harmony, which is an improvement from the former goal of work-life balance. Work-life harmony is about integrating your work life into your personal life into a peaceful coexistence rather than competition. When employees experience work-life harmony, they are able to balance all aspects of their work and personal lives in ways that make the diverse demands on their time and energy more manageable and even enjoyable. Employees…
