From the course: Managing Teams

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Manager as role model

Manager as role model

- Most managers underestimate the impact they can have on the people around them. As a leader, people are looking up to you and specifically paying attention to your leadership shadow. In the same way you have a physical shadow, you, as a leader, also have a leadership shadow. Before we go into the details of this, I'd like you to consider your top three priorities at work right now. Pause the video and write them down. Take your time. I'll wait. Welcome back. Keep your list nearby and we'll revisit it in a moment. Your leadership shadow boils down to your actions in four categories. Say, act, prioritize, and measure. What you say is important and needs to be congruent or in alignment with how you act, specifically your behaviors, symbols, and relationships. So think back to that priority you've identified. What specific behaviors do you use to show this is important to you? When your words are consistent with your…
