From the course: Managing Teams

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Manager as coach

Manager as coach

- You can probably think of an example of someone you've worked with that made you want to give your very best. That person coached you by understanding your strengths and how to stretch you. A coaching style allows managers to bring out the best in their teams. Now, I'll tell you upfront, coaching can be time consuming because it requires one-on-one attention, but the investment is well worth your time. The first step in becoming a coach is to understand your team's strengths and how to stretch their skills. By getting to know your employees, you can assess the skills and capabilities they've already mastered and the opportunities for growth or improvement. One way you can do this is for you, the coach, and your employee, the coachee, to both answer each of these questions. One, what are the coachee's strengths? What does the coachee do really well? Two, what are coachee's opportunities for improvement? What skills…
