From the course: Managing Teams

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Make decisions considering multiple perspectives

Make decisions considering multiple perspectives

From the course: Managing Teams

Make decisions considering multiple perspectives

- Your ability to make solid decisions is critical to your role as a manager, but when you look at an issue and need to make a decision, what information or perspectives do you consider? How do you know you're making good decisions and considering multiple perspectives? Perspective taking is challenging. Here is a simple exercise to illustrate my point. Point one finger up in the air and make a clockwise circle. Start at the 12, then move to the one, two, three, and all the way back to 11 and then 12. Keep that circle going for a moment. Now, keep moving your hand in a circle, but lower it to where you're looking down at it. Your finger is no longer moving in a clockwise circle. Notice that you didn't move, but your perspective changed. You're looking at your finger from a different point of reference, or place, which means you're seeing it differently. Dr. Edward de Bono's Six Thinking Hats Framework is a tool you can use…
