From the course: Managing Teams

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Develop employees and the team

Develop employees and the team

From the course: Managing Teams

Develop employees and the team

- To boost your team's strengths, you need to focus on developing your team's skills. This improves morale and performance. It's important for your team to have a strong sense of team efficacy and effectiveness. In psychology, team efficacy is the belief by all teammates that the team has the ability to execute. Simply put, the teammates need to believe in the team. As a manager, it's important for you to have a good sense of your team's strengths and opportunities for improvement. To track my team's development, I use a framework I call IDEA, which stands for identify needs, discuss individual and collective goals, educate through practice and professional development, and assess your progress. Starting with the I, identify needs. As the manager, you have a sense of the final output your team needs to produce. What skills are required for getting the best results? Are these skills everyone on the team needs, or ones…
