From the course: Managing Teams

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Delegate equitably

Delegate equitably

- Getting everything accomplished well, on time, and within your budget is a top priority for most managers. This means you probably need to delegate tasks within your team. I have a few questions for you to consider. Pause the video and consider your responses before you continue. One, do you struggle to delegate? If so, why do you think that might be? And two, who do you rely on for the most challenging and consequential tasks your team does? Who do you call for the busy work or the simple tasks? Take a moment to consider these questions before you continue. Now that you've had some time to think about this for yourself, I'll share some common delegation challenges and how to work around them. Delegation can be tricky, and if we're being honest, some reasons managers often don't delegate are, one, it can seem easier or faster to complete the task yourself. Two, you enjoy doing the task, or even taking credit for the…
