From the course: Managing Teams

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Cultivate psychological safety

Cultivate psychological safety

From the course: Managing Teams

Cultivate psychological safety

- Chances are you've been in a setting where you felt the need to hold back your ideas or keep concerns about the direction of a project to yourself. If you can relate to this experience, it means you've been in an environment that didn't encourage you to take interpersonal risks. Ideally, as a manager, you are cultivating psychological safety on your team. Psychological safety is loosely defined as a climate where teammates are comfortable expressing and being themselves. This also means your colleagues feel comfortable sharing concerns and mistakes without fear of embarrassment or retribution. That last part is critical. I bet you can think of times when either you or someone you know was berated for a mistake. The message to the offender and any observers is very clear. There are significant consequences if you miss the mark. This doesn't encourage people on your team to come forward if something isn't quite right.…
