From the course: Managing Teams

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Build lasting relationships

Build lasting relationships

From the course: Managing Teams

Build lasting relationships

- A key trait of an effective manager is building quality relationships within your team, but finding the time to do this can be tough. You might be thinking, "I can't afford to spend time" "on the personal stuff, because there's so much work to do." The reality is, you can't afford not to build relationships. Depending on where in this world you're working, this may even be viewed as culturally essential. When you build lasting relationships within your team, you and your teammates will have higher levels of job satisfaction, performance, and morale. In this video, I'll share some quick tips for establishing and maintaining these long-term relationships. First, schedule time for informal and personal conversations. This doesn't mean you have to divulge secrets or overshare. Focus the conversation on sharing about yourself and learning about them. Your team needs to know you in order to trust and follow your leadership. As…
