From the course: Managing Teams

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Be flexible

Be flexible

- Take a moment to think about the routine aspects of your day. What did you eat for breakfast this morning or dinner last night? How did you get to work? Do you follow the same patterns or do you like to try new things? Flexibility is a component of emotional intelligence and an essential trait for successful leaders in an ever-changing world. Leaders need to be able to modify their style or approach to their work in order to cope with new and unpredictable circumstances. Now, I know this is easier said than done. There's comfort in the predictability of our patterns, even in the mundane or seemingly small things. If you're a person who prefers the same patterns, try making little changes to your routines. It will help you build your ability to cope with changes. Workplaces are continuing to change and more employees are showing that they need some autonomy over when and where they work. As a team leader, there are…
