From the course: Managing Team Conflict

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Understanding conflict styles

Understanding conflict styles

From the course: Managing Team Conflict

Understanding conflict styles

- Imagine you're in a meeting and two of your peers start disagreeing about how to address the quarter's budget shortfall. How do you react in that moment? Do you shut down and disengage or try to jump in and get involved? When it comes to conflict, most of us have a default approach. We either tend to avoid it or seek it out. Avoiders shy away from disagreements, value harmony and positive relationships, and will often try to placate people or even change the topic. Avoiders don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or disrupt team dynamics. Seekers are eager to engage in disagreements. They care about directness and honesty, lose their patience when others aren't being equally direct, and don't mind being a bit rude. Let's take a look at a team meeting where two colleagues, Gabriel and Selma, are not in alignment on a project they're co-leading. Observe their interaction closely. - Thank you both for coming in today.…
