From the course: Managing Team Conflict

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Preempting future conflicts

Preempting future conflicts

- What's the first thing you want to do once you've resolved a team conflict? I know for me it's to move on with my life. You may even want to act like it never happened but that would be a big mistake. Conflicts, especially healthy ones, but even unhealthy ones are a great team learning opportunity. Sure, you might feel amped from the tension even after it's been resolved or plain exhausted from the mental gymnastics of trying to remain calm, listen, and balance everyone's interests at the same time, but no matter what you're feeling, take a moment to reflect. Start with yourself. What did you learn along the way about yourself, how you handle conflicts, and about your team? Write down what you learned from the situation, what went well and what didn't, and most importantly, what you want to do differently next time. Then bring the team together. Focus the discussion on learning and growth rather than blame. Ask…
