From the course: Managing Team Conflict

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Managing your own response

Managing your own response

- Sweaty palms, racing heart rate, an overall fidgety feeling. Those are the telltale signs that I'm getting worked up around a conflict. And going into what emotional intelligence experts call fight or flight, or freeze mode. It's normal to feel a range of negative emotions when a disagreement arises on your team. Anxiety, frustration, stress, disappointment, even anger. But those emotions don't put us in the right frame of mind to address the situation. And as a leader, it's imperative you take a less emotional approach to help your team resolve their disagreements. One study in the Journal of Applied Psychology found that how a team or unit handles conflict is correlated to the specific conflict style of the leader. In other words, the way you handle a conflict is very likely to influence the way the entire team handles them. So if you shut down, your team is going to learn to avoid conflicts. If you become passive…
