From the course: Managing Team Conflict

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Managing conflict well is key to team effectiveness

Managing conflict well is key to team effectiveness

From the course: Managing Team Conflict

Managing conflict well is key to team effectiveness

- Team conflict. What do you feel now when I say those words? I hope you feel more confident in your ability to recognize the differences between healthy and unhealthy conflicts and to address both when they arise on your team. Of course, we all want teams where people are respectful and kind, but it's possible to be too nice, failing to disagree when we need to surface new ideas or innovations. You can't have a diverse, inclusive, productive team without some healthy fights. Remember, the key isn't to rid your team of all conflicts but to have the right ones and make it okay for people to debate, dissent, and express their opinions. This starts with you. When you decide to help your team manage conflict and practice the skills we learned, you'll have greater influence and a more positive impact on your team. Leaders who are able to facilitate tough conversations and help their teams move forward get tapped for the best…
