From the course: Managing Team Conflict

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Keeping the conversation collaborative, not combative

Keeping the conversation collaborative, not combative

From the course: Managing Team Conflict

Keeping the conversation collaborative, not combative

- Have you ever been part of a conversation that seems to suddenly spin out of control and you're thinking to yourself, "How did we get here?" Regardless of everyone's good intentions, you can't expect that everything is just going to go smoothly. Conversations can become combative when people feel unheard, dismissed, or disrespected. So as the manager, you want to manage the tone of a conflict so that it's productive. Let's go over tactics for this and some sample language you can use and adapt to put these tools into practice. Ask questions. Encourage team members to ask questions, rather than making statements. Tell them that instead of thinking about what they want to say, consider what they want to learn. This gets to the root of the conflict and sets momentum for resolution. They might ask questions, like, "How are you seeing the situation?" Or, "Would you clarify for me what you mean by that?" Everyone owns…
