From the course: Managing Team Conflict

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Encouraging the team to repair relationships

Encouraging the team to repair relationships

From the course: Managing Team Conflict

Encouraging the team to repair relationships

- I have a hard truth to share. Even though your team was able to get through a disagreement, that doesn't mean everything's smooth sailing from here. There's a chance that relationships have been impacted, maybe even slightly damaged, but this is a critical opportunity for repair and to restore any trust that was broken. This may take time, so be patient. Don't expect everything to snap back to the way it was. As the leader, you can model moving on and focusing on work and shared goals. If people have been ostracized because of the dispute, make inclusive efforts to bring them back through important tasks or ask for their opinion on a project. If feelings have been hurt, you may want to let the parties have a break and not directly work together for a short time. Keep this in mind. Don't let people avoid one another for too long. This can allow any negative feelings to linger or even fester. One of the best ways to…
