From the course: Managing Team Conflict

Does your team have too much conflict or not enough?

From the course: Managing Team Conflict

Does your team have too much conflict or not enough?

- Team conflict. When I say those words, what feelings come up for you? Most often, I hear people feel stressed, anxious, frustrated, unheard. That's understandable. While a conflict-free utopia might sound good, at least in the short-term, most leaders tell me that they're worried their teams aren't having enough disagreements. Conflict is inevitable. It's your role, as a leader, to support and manage healthy team conflict that moves your team's goals forward and builds respectful, productive relationships. When teams feel free to disagree, debate and express their diverse perspectives, it builds commitment, trust, and accountability. This is what you'll gain as a leader when you embrace conflict not only as normal, but necessary.
